Cigar Cases
Because it takes time to manufacture, and because it is made with love and passion, the hand-rolled cigar is an exceptional product. Just like Louis Chelli's three-cigar case with built-in humidors. An expression of high French luxury, it is the ideal companion for sharing special moments with friends. Entirely crafted by hand, the case includes two main elements:
The cigar receptacle
An exclusive innovation designed by Louis Chelli. Driven by the disappointment of his cigars regularly drying out, he designed a simple and effective solution. Thanks to a dedicated space, he managed to integrate a humidifier into the case. With a customizable lid, each cigar transport will come with humidor bags available worldwide.
The cover of the case
All in leather or noble textiles, it will match your outfits. Each receptacle is adorned with colors and materials according to your desires. In Spanish cedar, plastic, marble and metal, in a "ready to wear" spirit, Louis Chelli is also developing different varieties of cases rich in colors, materials and textures, soon available at specialized points of sale.
Louis Chelli's cigar cases are authentic numbered works of art, a legacy that will endure generation after generation. They are unique thanks to the variety of materials worked, making each case an exceptional product.
For women and men, available in precious metals, laser or hand engraving, guilloche, polishing, painting, brushing, inlay with diamonds and gems, denim, precious fabrics, exotic leathers, gold or colored thread, and dyeing of slice. The case is fully customizable and made to order.
The ideal product for cigar fans. Take it anywhere without fear of losing quality: it's a real portable personal mini cellar.